Three Mating Features GD & T Tolerance Analysis MMC Calculator- Engineers Edge
Tolerances, Engineering Design & Limits & Fits
Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing Training
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Three Mating Features GD&T Tolerance Analysis at MMC Calculator
This calculator calculates position tolerances utilizing principles and concepts withinASME Y14.5-2009 and ASME Y14.5 - 2018, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T).
Three Mating Features GD&T Tolerance Analysis at MMC Calculator
See application at bottom of page.
This calculator will calculate the required field for the given condition. Calculations are based on a line-line case. Features of size may be other than shaft-hole. Similar features of size such as rectangular shapes may require tolerance specification/calculation along different datum plane.
**Note: As the datums depart from MMC, the datum gets a bonus tolerance. The tolerance zones for the individual features may move off center of the datum
by 1/2 the datum bonus tolerance. However, the two tolerance for the two holes
must stay inline as a pattern and the same applies for the two external
Four (6) inputs
are required.
See the application illustration at bottom of page.
The following are definitions for the elements:
Hole Feature H1- This is the smallest hole (MMC) or similar other feature of size.
Hole Feature H2- This is the smallest hole (MMC) or similar other feature of size.
Hole Feature H3- This is the smallest hole (MMC) or similar other feature of size.
Hole Tolerance TOL_h2 - This is the positional tolerance for the given feature of size.
Hole Tolerance TOL_h3 - This is the positional tolerance for the given feature of size.
Shaft Feature D1- This is the largest shaft (MMC) or similar other feature of size.
Shaft Feature D2- This is the largest shaft (MMC) or similar other feature of size.
Shaft Feature D3- This is the largest shaft (MMC) or similar other feature of size.
Shaft Tolerance TOL_d2 - This is the positional tolerance for the given feature of size.
Shaft Tolerance TOL_d3 - This is the positional tolerance for the given feature of size.
Three Mating Features GD&T Tolerance Analysis at MMC Calculator