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Profile Measurement Question
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Posted by: hawkhead ®
10/21/2003, 09:03:07

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In a profile of .040" to datum A, with a bilateral tolerance zone of +/- .020". If the acutal measurement using a CMM is .015" from the basic nominal dimension, should this amount be doubled to .030" as it has been suggested to me, and thus be outside of the allowable .020" tolerance zone?

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Re: Profile Measurement
Re: Profile Measurement -- hawkhead Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: Cragyon ®
10/21/2003, 10:01:15

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I agree that the actual profile of the surface (as you measured) may be expressed as a profile of .030, but this does not mean that the feature is out of tolerance.  .030 profile tolerance is less than .040 profile tolerance and thus, is acceptable.

Or, +/- .015 is less than +/- .020



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