Assembly Tolerance Analysis Calculator
Geometric Tolerances, Limits Fits Charts, Mechanical Tolerances Tables and Calculators
100 % interchangability and Six Sigma assembly and part tolerance analysis calculator.
Use this calculator to:
- Determine if the parts will assemble 100% of the time, or will assemble 99.73% (± 3 sigma) of the time statistically.
- Done to determine if the parts will function properly at worst condition.
- Determine if the drawing tolerance can be larger.
- Determine if statistical tolerancing will give a lower cost product.
- A fully documented tolerance analysis provides a record of the design dimensional requirements that can be reviewed at a later date in case of a product failure.
For more details and related resources see:
- Design for Manufacturability and Assembly Manual
- Geometric Boundaries II ASME Y14.5-2009
- Standard Deviation Equation and Calculator
- Tolerance Calculator - GD&T True Position
- Tolerance Calculator Fixed Fastener Condition
- Tolerance Calculator Floating Fastener Condition
- Table of Shaft Tolerances per. ISO 286 Calculator
± 3σ is equal to the sum of the squares for each bilateral tolerance
These Calculators requires a Premium Membership to access.
100% Interchangabilty and ± 3σ tolerances using bilateral uneven tolerances.
100% Interchangabilty and ± 3σ tolerances using bilateral tolerances.