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Cheap, Waterproof Material able to withhold a Carbonated Liquid
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Posted by: LG911 ®

01/13/2010, 06:06:17

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I am Design student at Brunel University London and was wondering if anyone could help.

One of my current projects is to design a cheap bottle/container to withhold a carbonated drink. The product must be extremely cheap as it is to be aimed at drink markets in such countries as Uganda.

I have some innovative ideas for Bottle design e.g. saving space during transport, and have also explored putting carbonated drinks into pouches (e.g. like Capri sun products)

Can anyone suggest any cheap, and relatively strong materials that could be used for these applications? Or point me in a direction?

Bottles are tested up to 8bar in pressure to give you an idea of the strength needed.

I have tried scrawling through the internet, and searched the University library for all kinds of materials and smart materials, but so far I'm having no luck.

Thank you in advance for any help.


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: Cheap, Waterproof Material able to withhold a Carbonated Liquid Cool Job
: Cheap, Waterproof Material able to withhold a Carbonated Liquid -- LG911 Post Reply Top of thread Engineering Forum
Posted by: Marky ®

01/13/2010, 07:27:11

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Hi and welcome to the forum....why 8 bar?

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