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Thread: Help Request: Calculate Tank Level Based on Pressure

  1. #1

    Help Request: Calculate Tank Level Based on Pressure

    I have to calculate the amount of liquid in a tank based on pressure. A picture of the tank is attached. There are pressure transmitters at the top and bottom of the tank. The top one is necessary because there is always a small positive pressure in the tank to prevent a vacuum. I know the dimensions of the tank and total volume based on a tank manufacturers drawing. A picture of the tank is attached. I'm an electrical guy by trade and I've done the math, but I don't have any confidence that I'm doing it right. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    You need to determine the Hydrostatic Pressure vs Depth.

    The formula is P = H d


    P = pressure
    H = height or depth
    d = density of fluid


    Density removed from formula

  3. #3
    How close do you have to be? Administrator is spot on but density can be moving value in liquids. Humidity, temperature, other atmospherics and the product itself can randomly change the density value.

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