Could be part of a retort stand, Griffin make some labware. Can you add an image?
Hi. New member here. I've recently found this clamp and was wondering what it could be used for.
Made by Griffin, made in England. On the back it says pat regst 36 09 62.
I think its to hold pipes, but at 90deg t each other.
the main body is cast, and is non magnetic (ali/mag?)
the screw is not magnetic, but the cross handle is irn/steel
screw size od =7.93mm, which suggests 5/16 whit
Could be part of a retort stand, Griffin make some labware. Can you add an image?
Used to use them in the lab, one side grips a vertical stand, the other side holds a standoff bar out at 90 deg, with a finger type grip at the end for holding glassaware, for example holding a glass jar over bunsen D8547B.jpg