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How do I calculate the minimum pad eye plate thickness needed to lift 6000 lbs Maximum Allowable Weight pad eye.pdf
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First, you must calculate the thickness of the tensile condition. Second, the right and left side is bent. Third, you need to check the hole for pressure forming.
Quick analysis of the case. I hope you understand. Of course, after all, an analytical method provides only rough results. The exact result will provide only the finite element method (FEM).
I greet.
I know this isn't the exact loading situation, but I would just look at the pure tension capacity of the thinnest cross section. Then I would double it, then I would double it again, and probably even again, depending on the application.
My philosophy in very few words: Steel is cheap. Accidents aren't.
...and I thought I was a nervous Nelly. I would have stopped at the second "double."