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Misc. Solid Substances Thermal Cunductivitity
Material =
Asbestos board, compressed & cement
Asbestos millboard
Asbestos wool
Ashes, soft wood
Ashes, volcanic
Carbon black
Cardboard, corrugated
Cellulose sponge, du Pont
Concrete, sand, and gravel
Concrete, cinder
Charcoal, powder
Cork, granulated
Cotton wool
Earth plus 42% water
Fiber, red
Flotofoam (U.S. Rubber Co.)
Glass, pyrex
Glass, soda lime
Graphite, solid
Gypsum board
Kaolin wool
Leather, sole
Pearlite, Arizona, spherical shell siliceous material
Polystyrene, ex-panded ‘‘Styrofoam’’
Pumice, powdered
Quartz, crystal, perpendicular toCaxis low temp.
Quartz, crystal, perpendicular toCaxis
Quartz, crystal, perpendicular toCaxis high temp.
Quartz, crystal, parallel toCaxis low temp
Quartz, crystal, parallel toCaxis
Quartz, crystal, parallel toCaxis high temp
Rubber, hard
Rubber, soft, vulcanized
Sand, dry
Sawdust , dry
Silica, fused
Silica gel, powder
Soil, dry
Soil, dry, including stones
Snow, low density
Snow, high density
Titanium oxide, finely ground
Wool, pure
Zirconia grain
Aspen †
Bald cypress †
Balsa †
Basswood †
Douglas Fir †
Elm, rock †
Fir, white †
Hemlock †
Larch, western †
Maple, sugar †
Oak, red †
Pine, southern yellow †
Pine, white †
Red cedar, western †
Redwood †
Spruce †
Bulk density, lb/ft
Temp =
Thermal Conductivity k, Btu/h
k ,BTU-inch/hour-square foot-°F =
k, kilowatt/meter-K =
k, watt/centimeter-°C =
k, watt/meter-K =
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